You may notice that the same device is listed twice on your ‘Devices’ listing. These 2 listings may have slightly different names, as well. See below.
Here is what may be happening
- As you complete the setup of your Sense system, Sense asks you to answer a few questions describing the main devices or appliances in your home, and based on your responses will populate some items on your Devices tab. The system may send you advice about the device, generally, even before it has isolated its signature in your overall consumption. When you select on the device from the listing, you come to a page with targeted information.
- In some cases, Sense will identify a unique signature without matching it to a device already on your list, often because the system did not correctly identify the type of device before it appeared for you. That may result in multiple entries on your device list for the same item. When that happens, you can look at the details page for each version of the device, and delete the one with less information in the settings menu for that device. This will streamline your list and avoid confusion.
Another possibility
If device detection presents what seem to be similar devices – for example, Heat1 and Heat2 – these devices need you to give them names based on your knowledge of your home and, if applicable, to merge them into one device.
- Heat1 and Heat2 may be two separate appliances, so give each one a name. Here is an article that explains how to name devices.
- Heat1 and Heat2 may also be components within a complex appliance, such as two heating elements in your stove or clothes dryer. In this case, one should be named and the other(s) should be merged with that named appliance. For more information on merging, see this article.