Does this feature “train” Sense? Will Sense be able to find these devices on its own?
"Always On" is not a “training” feature and requires that you estimate wattage for your added devices, which can be quickly accomplished using the Power Meter. The “always-on” nature of Always On devices means that Sense cannot identify them via standard device detection methods. You can make use of smart plugs or the dedicated circuit monitoring feature to force a detection of specific devices, including Always On loads.
Why is my total user-added Always On greater than my calculated Always On?
Estimating a device’s wattage isn’t 100% accurate. When a device is turned off, it’s possible that non-Always On components of that device are turned off as well, thus causing you to estimate more wattage than is actually attributed to Always On. In addition, user-added Always On devices do not affect total Always On calculations, so it is possible for your wattage estimates to add up to more than your total Always On. Lastly, total Always On wattage is not a static number. As your Always On wattage changes over time, be sure to check if your added devices are still active and contributing to your Always On wattage.
Why do my added Always On devices not show up in my Devices list?
At this time, user-added Always On devices will only show in the Always On Devices card on the Always On Device Details screen. These are not typical devices that are truly tracked by Sense, and thus they are not shown on the main Devices list, in Usage stats, or elsewhere in the app.
Why can’t I find my devices in the Sense database?
The Sense Always On database is populated from a variety of sources, including our own Always On data, internal testing, and third-party sources like Energy Star. While we have made attempts to assemble a diverse dataset, representative of the wide variety of devices that may contribute to Always On, it’s impossible to include everything. We intend to continually update this database. If your device is not present, you can manually add it; in many cases, Sense will provide helpful wattage suggestions based on the device type you select. If those do not help, you can use the Power Meter to estimate your device’s Always On wattage.
Will Sense automatically add devices from my Home Inventory? Can I bulk add devices?
At this time, user-added Always On devices must be added via the Always On Device Details screen. There is no way to bulk add to auto add based on the Home Inventory.
How can I find Always On for a custom device?
To find the Always On of a custom device, you can (1) Use the Power Meter, (2) Check the manufacturer’s technical specifications, or (3) Use a temporary smart plug and wait for Sense to calculate the Always On of the custom device.
When should I add Always On estimates for a device?
If Sense has natively detected a device that you're pretty sure contributes to your Always On load, you should add it here. Likewise, if Sense has not detected a device in your home that may contribute to your Always On load.
If you have smart plugs or dedicated circuit devices that Sense has calculated Always On wattage for, you should not add them here unless you intend to remove the device from the smart plug. Otherwise, there will be double counting in the Always On Devices card.