Neither Sense nor your electricity provider charge subscription fees to use the Sense App, and we won't sell your personal data. Energy programs in your state allow Sense to be paid when you reduce your energy use or shift the times you use your appliances to when energy is less in demand.
You save money, your electricity provider can better manage the grid, and everyone benefits. The environment also benefits, which makes us very happy. In fact, it's our mission.
The Sense Home app is available to download at no cost (use your phone or tablet) from either the Apple App store or the Google App store. New features and enhancements remain free via updates and over-the-air software upgrades.
There are two ways you can connect the Sense Home app to your home's electrical system:
Available for free through your Wi-Fi-enabled Smart Meter
If your electricity provider has informed you that they have installed a Sense-enabled smart meter at your home, you can download the Sense Home app to your mobile device, then connect it to your meter using your home's Wi-Fi to set up your free account. If you're not yet eligible for a meter, fill out this form and we'll let you know when Sense is available where you live.
Available by purchasing the Home Energy Monitor
If you want Sense but your electricity provider has not yet provided a Sense-enabled meter, you can purchase a Sense Home Energy Monitor at our website to install in your electrical panel, then download the free Sense Home app and connect the monitor and the app using your home's Wi-Fi.