What is happening?
If you've received this error during your network connection test, Sense is able to see the address of your Wi-Fi gateway but is unable to communicate with it. A gateway ping failure occurs when your device (like a computer, phone, or your Sense system) tries to communicate with the network's gateway, usually your Wi-Fi router, and doesn't get a response. Think of it as trying to call someone on the phone who doesn't pick up.
What you can do
- Check connection: Check the physical Wi-Fi connections to your router. Unplug connections and then plug them back in to ensure they are secure.
- Check router: Check if other devices can connect to the internet. If not, it may be a problem with your router. Restart your router and your modem.
- Check your Sense Wi-Fi connection: Make sure Sense is pointing to the correct network (Settings > System) and has a strong signal. (For information on improving signal strength, see this article.
- Check the router firmware: Make sure your router's firmware is up to date (go to the router's app or contact your internet service provider).
- Check the IP settings: Ensure that Sense is set to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS server. This setting is typically found in your router's network settings. You can contact the router manufacturer if you want advice on this.
If you're still experiencing issues after troubleshooting, please reach out to the Sense Support team.