After you run a connection test you will receive a result that links to one of the following articles to give you advice on how to understand and resolve the issue.
System Error
- SystemError - Contact Support
- HTTPClientCreationError - Contact Support
Network Connectivity Issue
- NoInterface - Contact Support
- NoLink - Connection test: We're having trouble setting up Wi-Fi
- NoIP - Connection test: No IP
- LinkLocalIP - Connection test: Link local IP
- NoGateway - Connection test: No gateway
- GatewayPingFailed - Connection test: Gateway ping failed
- HTTPConnectionFailed - Connection test: HTTP connection failed
- HTTPTimeout - Connection test: HTTP timeout
- HTTPServerError - Connection test: HTTP server error
- HTTPResponseUnexpected - Connection test: HTTP response unexpected
Network Connectivity Success
- LinkPass
- GatewayPass
Network Performance Issue
- HTTPUploadLow - Connection test: HTTP Upload low
- HTTPDownloadLow - Connection test: HTTP Download low
Network Performance Success
- HTTPUploadPass
- HTTPDownloadPass
WiFi Signal Strength
- WiFiSignalOk
- WiFiSignalLow - Connection test: Wi-Fi signal strength low
- WiFiSignalHigh - Connection test: Wi-Fi signal strength high
If you use Sense through a Home Energy Monitor, you may also receive these results:
Connection test: NTP DNS lookup error
Connection test: NTP DNS network error